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Replicant Preset Styles PDF  | Print |  E-mail
Written by Administrator   
Saturday, 31 March 2007 18:17

Replicant has 3 preset styles. These variations have been pre-configured with images and the corresponding colours to create a well blended and inspiring style. However, the possibilites do not end here. You have the ability to produce and/or configure a custom setting or package to fit your purposes. Selecting the custom option, followed by changes in the settings that succeed this option, will load your custom settings on the template. This customisation can be enacted in another way. The template is distributed with a file, named rt_styles.php and this is where the preset style parameters are stored and subsequently loaded from.

You control this setting in the Joomla Template Manager [Admin > Extensions > Template Manager > rt_replicant_j15].

For more information on the index.php configuration, please visit the Basic Customisations page.

50 Pack

The Replicant template is packaged with 3 preset styles (10 on this demo). From the RokFlow module above, you will notice that there are previews for styles which are not between the 1-10 preset range. This is due to a pack of 50 styles being distributed independantly. The template package would have been too large with the 50 different background images included, so we have made them available as a separate download. Implementing them into your template is simple.

  1. Download the 50 pack from the replicant download section.
  2. Extract the contents of the archive locally.
  3. Upload the background images to the directory /images/bg/, located in the rt_replicant folder on your server.
  4. Upload and overwrite rt_styles.php with the updated version from the pack which has the 50 presets configured for easy control via the index.php.

Custom presets

If you wish to configure your own preset styles, you will need to edit the file rt_styles.php. The area of this file that you shall change to create your custom styles can be seen below:-

$styles = array ("style1" => array ("bg36.jpg", "#0a1b2b", "dark-teal",
"#fff", "#98D7DA", "smoke", "#fff", "#98D7DA", "#364148")
"style2" => array ("bg16.jpg", "#f7f7f7", "grey", "#fff", "#85dd8d",
"glass", "#000", "#af2e1b", "#ccc"),
"style9" => array ("bg6.jpg", "#092107", "black", "#fff", "#A5D224",
"smoke", "#fff", "#A5D224", "#374435"));

For each style, you will notice 10 entries between the " " tags for each style row. A definition of each of the 10 values will be described below which have been numerical categorised based on appearance from left to right.

  1. Background Image
  2. Background Colour
  3. Background Position
  4. Header Style
  5. Header Text Colour
  6. Header Link Colour
  7. Body Style
  8. Body Text Colour
  9. Body Link Colour
  10. Border
Last Updated on Wednesday, 13 February 2008 21:43

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